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Our Vision  

To inspire a love of learning

“Life in all its fullness” John 10.10


Inspirational teaching that enables all our children to flourish as confident and independent learners

A vibrant curriculum that fires each child's imagination to explore and fulfil their own potential

A loving, Christian school family that values everyone and takes pride in their achievements.





‘Life in all its fullness’

As a member of our school community recently commented, we are a school who has a

Strong Christian ethos with a nurturing focus…’ Parent

Whilst remaining a popular choice in Stamford and the surrounding areas, St. Gilbert’s has greatly changed over the last few years. Our school is more diverse with families from varying faiths and cultures which serves to enrich our community and life experiences. Our school community reflects all walks of life and as such we want all our pupils, staff and families to live life to the full – experiencing and living a varied and rich life full of learning, growing, helping, reward, joy, excitement and caring for each other, just as God has taught us to.

Our vision means that as unique individuals in the eyes of God, we seek to thrive together in love, life and learning. At school we aim to help each other to learn how to do this.  It is not always easy to live life in this way and so we help each other with the challenges that come along the way.

We asked our staff, pupils and families about what ‘Life in all its fullness’ means to them:

Parent - ‘This speaks of an abundant life. That is abundant, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. St. Gilbert’s is a school community that enables our children to have the opportunity to be truly fulfilled in all those areas which in turn will give them balance in their lives’.

Staff Member - “St. Gilbert’s is more than a school; it is a family.  My own two children were both nurtured here and given opportunities to grow their confidence.  Their particular interests were recognised and celebrated.  All under the umbrella of Christian values and a clear vision for learning.  I’m very grateful to the school and the skill of their dedicated staff.”

 Parent -Giving children the opportunity to experience things they may not have done before. Giving them the confidence and self-belief to talk on anything they want to and being the best versions of themselves.’

Parent -Embrace opportunities, be outward looking, see the colour in life even during challenging times, challenge yourself, create the life you want’.

Pupil - ‘We follow our Christian values such as courage and generosity……..we always put others before ourselves’.

Pupil - ;….to keep pushing ourselves forward…’

Staff member: I joined St Gilbert's as a volunteer, following a very turbulent time in my personal life. I was welcomed by both children and staff and instantly felt like a valued member of a close knit community. I very quickly decided that this is the school for me and thankfully a position became available and I was the successful candidate.

St Gilbert's is a nurturing, inclusive environment, where everyone feels comfortable, valued and respected. We have strong Christian values, which are the foundation on which our learning and behaviour are based on. We celebrate all achievements, academic and creative, both in school and within the community. We have strong community links and always have great feedback on our amazing children and dedicated staff. I feel proud to be a member of the St Gilbert's team!

 What makes St. Gilbert’s unique as a school?

  • Everyone who works in and for our school supports its Christian foundation and ethos.
  • Everyone learns what it means to have a faith, underpinned by strong shared values which are shared across all faiths and none, such as generosity, friendship, forgiveness, compassion and service to others.
  • We work hard to make strong links between our school, our homes, our church and our community. ‘There is a real sense of community with everyone feeling cared for. The core values run throughout school life.’
  • Spiritual development is at the centre of school life both directly through worship or indirectly through our behaviour policy, our pastoral support and our curriculum. We care about the spiritual development of everyone in our school community
  • ‘The community feel which can be felt and seen between children and members of staff, parents and between staff members. The care and compassion we have towards one another. ‘
  • ‘Outstanding pastoral care’. Parent
  • The way you feel like you are part of one big family. It is a very individual and personal feeling you get there’. Parent